What I've Read

Friday, May 6, 2011

Book Review: City of Bones

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Don't let Stephenie Meyer's review on the cover fool you, for the fan of educated fantasy literature, this is perfect. True, there are vampires and werewolves and faeries, even. The humanity of it all is what draws you in. From beginning to end the reader is hit with surprise after surprise with all sorts of twists and turns along the way. I identified with Clary more than I have identified with a character in a long time. She is so relate-able. She's a nerd, but she's smart. She's into really dorky things, but she's very artistic. The end is a shocker, but I've been told that the entire series is amazing. I'm so invested in these characters and their lives. I'm rooting for them. Although it took me an entire week to read it, I felt like it went very fast and as soon as it was over, I wanted more. I'm glad I bought the whole series so I can keep going!

Also, it was written very well. Not only is the story a great story, but it is told in an artistic and beautiful manner. The author doesn't forget the little details of thought processes, especially the complicated thought processes of teenagers.

There's adventure, romance, magic, family, and the depths and ties of true friendship. I'd recommend this one to anybody.

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