What I've Read

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Book Review: Paper Towns

Paper TownsPaper Towns by John Green
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm having a difficult...

I really wish I could...

Words are not so much with me right now.

THIS BOOK. While I LOVED The Fault in Our Stars (and I believe that John Green and Hank Green are helping to create a generation of thinking, reading, deep, pensive, adventurous, brave teens- #Nerdfighters!), I did not expect to love this book.

I loved it from the get-go. The characters are beautifully flawed and pained and REAL. I couldn't help telling my fiancé that I know these kids. They aren't named Margo, Quentin, Radar, Ben, Lacey, and Angela, but I know them. They are teens I've encountered in my years in the classroom.

And they are the minority.

John Green is making it okay for the smart, kind kids to BE smart and kind, to show that they have multiple dimensions. There are some who always have been and always will be, that's for certain, but for those who feel two-dimensional, like they have to hide or cover the cracks in themselves from everyone else in high school or even as young adults, John Green shows those kids a reality where that's okay. He shows them how we are all cracked and sinking to an inevitable end, and it's okay for us to live and embrace our cracks and look at one another truthfully and with dimension.

I LOVE THIS BOOK. TFIOS was a 4.5 by comparison, but this is definitely a solid 5. I want to hug each of these kids and tell them how proud I am of them and how I think that they are so courageous and smart and funny.


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